Thursday, December 30, 2010

Dec 31 - Markado market this morning

We woke up early in order to get to the traditional market. Needed to get things ready for the party tonight.

Afternoon, while waiting for Lito to come pick us up to the beach, we were clenaning the room, doing laundry, putting tattoo stickres on and also getting tanned for me.

Some greens from the landlord's little garden.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Dec 30 - Soko

Soko in their dialec (Bisaya) means angry. Connie likes to use her mum to threaten the workers. She's always like "What? Oh....Mama soko. She will kill you!"

alisa: come here
noi: affirmative no

Were you late for work this morning?


salama: thanks
walaysapayang: welcome


dali dali: quickly
hee nai: slowly


sa kayang: small boat
sakanyang: you are right


dubi: water


guo dong (sounds like jelly in Chinese): hungry


Here comes a situation: at the dinner yesterday, the dishes were nee nai. Connie told the server, "dali dali, we are guo dong ne...salama!"

Dec 30 - Ultimate the 30th

I was warned last night that today is gonna be a crazy working day since there's no work from tomorrow until Jan 2. I think I will be helping at the factory today in order to get to my favorite Philippine restaurant for dinner. I went there for my first dinner here and the food there was faaaabulous! Connie said I was like doing another working holiday - exchange food and accommodation by working. True! But until now (9:58am) I am still updating my blog. Ha ha...

Ummm...Connie was thinking and I was playing around.

Today ended up with a real busy day. But even it was busy, they stayed positive. Love it!

It was a pay day and at 5pm everyboday lined up to get their salary envelopes. Marina, Yadz and June were doing the money this afternoon since the accountant wasn't there today. They found out the money was short by 800 pesos. Connie was soko at Yadz. There were two more quotes from Yadz again. "I'm not accounting, I am just counnting!" & "I'm sure I'm honest, but I don't know two of them..."

After getting the money, there will be a long new year weekend. People were very very happy and whenever we said "pictures pictures!", they were like crazy and posed already even if we were not ready to take the photos yet.

Man, they were very cute!

They worked overtime today and I finally did my "working holiday." It was tiring!!! Seriously!!!

But I knew there was a dinner after that. All the hard work paid off :))) Salama, auntie Kang!

Dec 29 - John Cena (WWE Idol of 2010)

After a hard-working day, people like to watch some entertainment even if it is already set up. In the WWE show, players have different characteristics designed. They have special styles and famous acts and even theme songs. And there are good people gang and bad people gang.

There used to be a very hilarious series called TLC series. If you can make your rival to the tables or the ladders and chairs, you are the winner. Very stupid I know, but somehow it was really fun to watch last night. John Cena's the WWE idol of this year.

John Cena's theme song

At 2:27 you will see Cena's famous act - waving in front of the face.

Dec 29 - Alegre Guitars Factory & Bluewater Beach Resort

Luckily, a very nice taxi driver drove us to the guitar town and to the very famous guitar factory called "Alegre." I pronounced the word worng so at first the driver didn't understand where we wanted to go. I thought "gre" was like British English so I pronounced it like "ger." Then I show the driver the address. He realized by saying "Ah......"A-'le-gre" na.....You have to say it this way. Espanio!" (Put the stress on "le") Oh! Right! Philippines has more to do with Span! How come I forgot all about this!

I bought a black ukulele for 1,400 pesos which equals to about 900NT dollars. Haha...Nydia, I got a cheaper one and it was made in Cebu!

Connie was trying to be a rocker there.

Later on, the same driver offered to drive us to anywhere we wanted to again. The plan was...going to the beach! So we went to Bluewater Resort for the afternoon for the sunbath and soaking in the water. Nice!

Jeepney again to dinner. Taiwanese cuisine for this evenning and met the Head of Taiwan Association in Cebu. He said anything, any troubles, just go for him! Ah-ha! He's our cushion now ;)

Supermarket after dinner. I bought some souveniors for Bala, Tracy and Becky. You guys will like it. That's the thing I like the most until now, very practical. You'll see!

Some other photos from today

Dec 29 - MYMP

MYMP - Make My Mother Proud, the popular band here.

By chances I heard their songs couple times from ICRT on Sundays. You know on Sunday morning there's a program playing top Indonisian or Filipino songs. I know MYMP from there.

So this time, before I came here, I planed to buy MYMP's album if possible. This afternoon I had a chance to go to a music shop. Again, like in Bali, I sang the song I was familiar with to the clerk and to have her find the album for me.

In the lyrics, there's a word - sa ka yang. I asked Marian

if she knows MYMP and what does that mean. She told me MYMP is popular here and if you pronounce the word "sa-ka-yang" that means small boat; if "sa-kyang" that means you are right. A very interesting way to learn a language, isn't it?!

Here's the song from Youtube. Love it!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Dec 29 - "I had a dream, ..."

Maybe I dreamed a lot last night. This morning Connie told me I was saying something like "mimimimimimimimi..." for about 3 minutes. She was trying to wake me up but I still kept saying mimimimimimi. Mi what? And I ended it up by sitting up with the last mi and I fell deep sleep again.

Photos from the factory